
Wednesday, 30 January 2013

A quick thought

So, it is extremely late and I'm in bed (and should be fast asleep).
At the moment my life is a to-do list. I'm moving to a different country very soon and excited by the prospect but I'm sick of being in a world of planning.
I'm craving routine!
I'm also in morning about leaving beautiful London. I want to see the world more than anything but feel part of me has to say good bye to these young early 20's London years. The plan is to travel for 3/4 years.
. Year 1: teach in Korea
. Year 2: animate in oz
. Year 3: animate in Canada
. Year 4: New York... Even just for a month I want to live in New York!

It's all so exciting and the path ahead is nothing but possibility but on these last few weeks its hard to navigate through the goodbyes, packing, organising and (quite painfully) getting rid of so many clothes . It's like Christmas for my sister who's the same size as me.

 It's been weird to not have new year resolutions or get a gym membership as I know I'm leaving.
Things have been on hold for so long and I'm anxious for things to begin..... but sad too.

Ahh we'll, now begins the 'last time' blow outs. Drinks at Gilbert Scott's, dancing at Madam Jojos and a final vintage tour of London.
After all it's a girls perfect excuse to get those vintage purchases I just won't find any where else!

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